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返回列表 来源:永成美筑 浏览:109 发布日期:2022-12-22【


  1、电解电容在滤波电路中根据详细情况取电压值为噪声峰值的1.2--1.5 倍,并不根据滤波电路的额定值;








  7、设计电路板时,应细致电容齐防爆阀上端不得有任何线路,并应留出2mm 以上的闲暇。

  8、电解也重要化学溶剂及电解纸为易燃物,且电解液导电。当电解液与pc 板接触时,可能腐蚀pc 板上的线路。以致生烟或着火。因此在电解电容下面不应有任何线路。


  Aluminum and magnesium, manganese plate electrolytic capacitor applicable guidelines are as follows:

  1, electrolytic capacitor according to the details in the filter circuit voltage value for noise peak of 1.2-1.5 times, not according to the rated capacity of the filter circuit;

  2, under the electrolytic capacitor is can not have welding plate and the hole.

  3, electrolytic capacitor may not direct contact with the heating element and the surrounding.

  4, aluminum, magnesium, manganese plate electrolytic capacitor is negative, can not add reverse voltage and ac voltage personnel test registration in xian, the reverse voltage may occur where non-polar capacitor should be used.

  5, to the necessary place to charge and discharge fast, should not be used aluminium magnesium, manganese plate, electrolytic capacitor should be chosen especially design of capacitor with longer life.

  6, you should not use overload voltage

  A voltage, dc voltage ripple voltage superposition after sewing is lower than the rating voltage.

  B, when two or more electrolytic capacitor in series to consider using balancing resistor, makes each capacitor on the voltage in the range of its rated.

  7, design circuit boards, should be detailed capacitance, explosion-proof valve top may have any line that leisure and should be set aside for more than 2 mm.

  8, electrolytic also important chemical solvents and electrolytic paper as tinder, and electrolyte conductivity. When the electrolyte in contact with the PC board, PC board may be corrosion on the line. So that the smoke or fire. So there should be no line under the electrolytic capacitor.

  Among 9, the design of circuit board shall confirm the heating component is not close to the aluminum magnesium manganese plate electrolytic capacitor or the bottom of the electrolytic capacitor.


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